ALERT: CCP Scientists Create Deadly New ‘Mutant Virus’

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Reports indicate that military scientists affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have developed a highly dangerous “mutant coronavirus” that has shown a 100% fatality rate in laboratory experiments. This study was carried out by CCP researchers at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The scientists claim that the mutant strain of the coronavirus was derived from a pangolin virus. They further boasted that the virus demonstrated complete lethality in lab tests conducted on mice that had been modified to have human-like characteristics. The Daily Mail reported that the scientists infected these mice with the GX_P2V virus, which was originally discovered in pangolins back in 2017.

“The mice had been ‘humanized’, meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans,” the Mail reports.

“Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as ‘surprisingly’ quick.

“The team was also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice’s brains and eyes – suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way.”

A scientific paper regarding the study has not yet been made available to the public. However, according to The Mail, researchers have stated that the death of the laboratory mice highlights the potential risk of GX_P2V transmission to humans. The study was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Yigang Tong, who was previously affiliated with the CCP-run Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The Mail also mentions that Tong collaborated with ‘batwoman’ Zheng-Li Shi, a key figure at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, on a paper in 2023. Concerns have been raised by members of the scientific community regarding the safety measures that were not disclosed during the study.

“I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanized mice with a random virus,” University College London Genetics Institute Prof. Francois Balloux commented.

“Conversely, I could see how such stuff might go wrong.”

Professor Richard Ebright, a distinguished faculty member in Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, has voiced comparable apprehensions. Ebright cautions that the absence of adequate safety measures may result in a laboratory accident similar to the one that occurred at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, leading to the outbreak of Covid-19.

“The absence of this information raises the concerning possibility that part or all of this research, like the research in Wuhan in 2016-2019 that likely caused the Covid-19 pandemic, recklessly was performed without the minimal biosafety containment and practices essential for research with a potential pandemic pathogen,” Prof. Ebright told The Mail.

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