Bill Gates’ CHILLING Plan Revealed

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Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is under scrutiny in a new book titled “Controligarchs,” which aims to shed light on the activities of the billionaire class. Investigative reporter Seamus Bruner, the author of the book, alleges that Gates’s investments in patented fertilizers, synthetic meat, and U.S. farmland are not aimed at saving the planet but rather at advancing the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and consolidating his influence over the public while boosting his financial gains.

Released recently, “Controligarchs” explores the impact of billionaires like Bill Gates on the mechanisms of power that shape the lives of ordinary citizens. Bruner, known for leading investigative teams that triggered FBI investigations and congressional inquiries into the Clinton and Biden families, contends that Gates’s actions, such as acquiring American farmland and investing in lab-grown meats, are presented as efforts to combat “climate change.” However, previous reports by Slay News highlighted studies indicating that Gates’s synthetic meat products may be up to 25 times more environmentally harmful than traditionally farmed beef.

According to Bruner, Gates’s initiatives are more about increasing his wealth than genuinely reducing “carbon emissions.”

“First, it was patented seeds and patented fertilizers, and now they are patenting meat alternatives.

“Banning cattle would grant effective monopolies to the alternative protein companies and benefit investors such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and even BlackRock,” Bruner said.

“Fake meats are about controlling the food market, not saving the planet.”

Esteemed investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, renowned for works such as “Red-Handed,” “Clinton Cash,” and “Profiles in Corruption,” contributed the foreword to “Controligarchs.” In his foreword, Schweizer commends the book for offering insight into the future and delivering a revealing exposé of the strategies employed by the leftist elite in the coming years.

A specific chapter within the book delves into what is termed “the war on farmers.” This section argues that influential figures in the tech industry, including Gates, are actively working to monopolize the United States’ food supply.

“The takeover of the food system, like so many other control schemes in this book, began with the Rockefellers and was advanced by Bill Gates,” the book states.

“Like most of their monopolies — from oil to software and eventually biotechnology — the takeover of food is all about controlling the intellectual property of food production through trademarks, copyrights, and patents.”

“The Green Revolution was simultaneous proof that problems like poverty and famine could be solved through human innovation and that the solutions, such as genetically modified pesticide-resistant crops, can present new problems like pollution, resource exhaustion, and the consolidation of small-scale and family-owned farms into giant corporate-controlled farms,” it reads.

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“But rather than take responsibility for the new problems, the Rockefellers took all the credit for the crop abundance while blaming the new problems on the convenient scapegoat of climate change,” Bruner writes.

“Now, the Controligarchs claim they can solve the climate crisis with new patented miracle products that happen to make themselves even richer and, once again, at the expense of small-scale independent farmers,” he adds.

In his documentation, Bruner highlights the global discontent among farmers when faced with the prohibition of traditional and cost-effective crop nutrients. He observes that regulations restricting conventional fertilizers, which farmers argued would financially ruin them, were implemented “after Gates and his associates had secured the intellectual property for the replacement fertilizers.”

Bruner further reveals that, concurrently with his focus on the fertilizer industry, Bill Gates has been discreetly acquiring substantial portions of American farmland for over a decade. The acquisitions, totaling over $1 billion, involve the implementation of technologies aligned with Agenda 2030.

It’s worth noting that Agenda 2030 is a United Nations initiative aimed at addressing goals such as “eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the planet.” This agenda is actively promoted by influential entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF), with key members including Gates and John Kerry, the “climate czar” under Democratic President Joe Biden.

“When Gates buys tens of thousands of acres, he is not just buying the land — he is also buying the rights to water below ground,” Bruner notes.

“In addition to farms (and the irrigation) and fertilizer, Gates has been hunting for sizable interests in water and water treatment — a crucial component when seeking to control the agricultural industry.”

Another segment of the book cautions about Gates’s upcoming focus on synthetic meat companies, including Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. These companies hold over two dozen patents for their artificial meat and imitation dairy products, with more than 100 patents still pending. Gates has already directed substantial investments toward these ventures.

Despite Gates’s financial backing, widespread consumer acceptance of synthetic meat products has not been achieved. Bruner highlights Gates’s entry into the fake meat market, coinciding with his warnings about the environmental impact of cow flatulence, which he deems a significant contributor to “climate change.” The narrative surrounding “harmful emissions” from cattle adds to the ongoing discourse in the broader war against traditional farming and conventional food sources.

“And it should come as no surprise that while the peasants are expected to eat fermented fungi, lab-grown meats, and maggot milkshakes, the Controligarchs — with their private chefs — have no intention of doing the same if recent behavior is any indicator,” Bruner says.

“Bill Gates and Warren Buffett famously love eating beef burgers and steaks when Gates visits his mentor in Omaha.

“Zuckerberg likes smoking beef brisket and grilling pork ribs (from real cows and pigs) and says meats taste ‘doubly better when you hunt an animal for yourself,’” Bruner writes.

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