Trump Just ENDED Joe Biden’s Career With Blistering Take-Down

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President Donald Trump wrote an opinion piece with the goal of appealing to younger voters, highlighting the challenges and increased costs of American life under President Joe Biden. The op-ed, featured in Newsweek, follows a recent survey indicating Trump’s growing support among a traditionally Democratic-leaning younger demographic compared to Biden. In the column, Trump draws comparisons between the outcomes of his economic policies and those of Biden, asserting that young voters experienced better conditions during his presidency.

“With less than one year to go until Election Day, the polls show that we are beating Joe Biden by wide margins both nationally and in the battleground states—and young people are a major part of the reason why,” Trump began. “A recent NBC News poll found that we are leading Biden 46 percent to 42 percent nationally among voters ages 18 to 34—a clear sign that young Americans are rejecting Joe Biden’s reign of failure, incompetence, and corruption.

He further highlighted that during his tenure, he played a role in building the “strongest and most prosperous economy” in the world’s history, asserting that, on average, annual incomes increased by approximately $6,000 with low inflation below 2 percent and gas prices averaging about $1.87 per gallon in various regions. Trump pointed out that household wealth reached an all-time high, with the bottom 50 percent of earners increasing their net worth by around 40 percent.

The ex-president continued to underscore how the economy has deteriorated under the present administration.

“The U.S. economy had never been better for young Americans, but for the past three years, young people have borne the heavy costs of the failed Biden agenda: crippling inflation, soaring prices, skyrocketing interest rates, unaffordable housing, and escalating crime,” Trump said.

“Over the course of the Biden administration, real incomes have gone down by $7,400 per family. Gas prices reached as high as $7 a gallon in some places. Cumulative inflation is 18 percent. And mortgage rates are pushing a brutal seven percent—making home ownership out of reach for countless young Americans,” he argued.

He also mentioned that throughout his term, the average 30-year mortgage rate dropped to approximately 2.65 percent, making it feasible for the median-income American family to afford a mortgage.

“Yet thanks to Biden’s disastrous economy, interest rates have skyrocketed, making home-ownership out of reach for too many Americans, especially young Americans who in previous generations would be looking to start a family,” he wrote. “As a result, historically high numbers of young people are delaying marriage and children. According to a recent study, three quarters of Gen Z and Millennial couples believe it’s too expensive to get married today.”

He added: “Sadly, many younger Americans are putting their lives on hold because they think the Biden economy leaves them no choice.”

The former president further alleged that Biden is waging a “war on energy,” resulting in increased costs for everything reliant on oil and gas. He asserted that this is done under the pretext of adopting aspects of the “Green New Deal,” a progressive plan promoting electrification, wind, and solar energy over fossil fuels, initially proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Thanks to that, Trump continued, “new car prices have surged by nearly 30 percent since I left office. The average new car now costs an astonishing $50,000. You practically have to be a rich person to afford a new car. Because of higher interest rates and soaring prices under Biden, the typical car payment is now almost $750 a month.”

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“Instead of helping our young people confidently begin their lives, careers, and families, Joe Biden is crushing their dreams with debt, taxes, and inflation, and paving the way for a future of anger and despair,” Trump added. “Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream.”

Trump then went on to announce exactly what he’ll do the moment he gets reelected:

“I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world so that young people can thrive and prosper. I will stop Joe Biden’s inflation nightmare, increase energy production, massively reduce government spending, and bring down interest rates, so that young people can once again afford to start a family, buy a home, and plan for a great future—the basic building blocks of the American Dream. I did it before, and we will do it once again,” he said, adding that he will also bring “law and order” to American cities and work to reduce the level of drug overdoses and addiction plaguing the country.

“American voters have it within their power to quickly return our country to peace, prosperity, and strength—and no one will benefit from bringing that change to our nation’s capital more than young people,” Trump concluded.

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