Video: MTG Accosted by Far-Left Mob in DC

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(TStarnes) – The rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building was breached on Wednesday by a mob of pro-Hamas demonstrators.

More than 300 were arrested in violent clashes that left several members of law enforcement with injuries. The mob also caused damage – destroying at least one lawmaker’s pro-Israel sign.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican from Georgia, was accosted on camera and surrounded by angry protesters. Watch the video below after the advertisement plays.

The breach was simply unacceptable.

U.S. Capitol Police need to explain how the mob was able to enter the Capitol complex and cause mayhem.

Greene has filed a formal request asking police to secure all security footage and arrest records.

“The group that organized the insurrection, Jewish Voice for Peace, is a pro-Islamic anti-Semitic group that seeks the destruction of the state of Israel, according to the Anti-Defamation League,” the letter says.

It’s a fair description of the events — an insurrection.

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And it was fueled by the caustic remarks of Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a known terrorist sympathizer who staged an anti-Israel rally just outside the building.

“These actors caused elevators to be shut down, staircases and hallways to be blocked, exits to be made inaccessible, and official legislative business to be obstructed, putting Members of Congress, their staffs, and Capitol visitors at risk,” Greene said of the demonstration.

The question facing Congress is whether they will establish a formal joint committee to investigate the atrocities committed on Oct. 18. Will Rep. Tlaib be stripped of her committee assignments and expelled from the House?

Will the FBI round up all of the insurrectionists and will they be forced to languish in the DC gulag for up to a year before trial? Will those who accosted Greene face 22 year prison sentences as some of the January 6 protesters faced?

What happened on January 6th was absolutely unacceptable. Those who broke the law paid the price. Some would argue the punishment far outweighed the crime. But what happened on October 18th is also unacceptable. And many suspect the crime will far outweigh the punishment.

Will justice be served or will we get yet another taste of the two-tiered system of justice in the weaponized Biden administration?

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