Trump’s Big Move Has Supporters CHEERING

(Snews) – President Donald Trump’s lawyers have filed a motion to dismiss the Democrats’ 2020 election case.

Late Monday night, Trump’s attorneys told the judge that the case should be dismissed as a violation of the Constitution.

They also argue that the get-Trump case is an instance of “vindictive prosecution.”

In a series of motions to dismiss, Trump’s team alleged that his prosecution violates multiple parts of the Constitution.

Those violations include Trump’s First Amendment right to free speech and the Due Process clause.

Earlier this month, his legal team filed another motion to dismiss, asserting that he is immune from prosecution because the actions were taken within the bounds of his office.

Trump’s lawyers told Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan that the prosecution exercised “an astonishing display of doublethink.”

They note that the Democrat prosecutors stated that the 45th president has a right to speak publicly about his belief that there was election fraud.

However, prosecutors are also asserting that, by exercising his free speech rights, Trump sought to “defraud the United States,” “oppress rights,” and “obstruct an official proceeding.”

Trump’s lawyers also argued he could not be retried in court because he was acquitted of the same offenses by the Senate.

“Additionally, as the United States Senate has previously tried and acquitted President Trump for charges arising from the same course of conduct alleged in the indictment, the impeachment and double jeopardy clauses both bar retrial before this Court and require dismissal,” the filing states.

Trump’s legal team alleged the indictment was an instance of “selective and vindictive prosecution.”

They wrote in the filings that there have been no other prosecutions in American history relating to alternate electors.

“This case, urged by Biden when many prosecutors and agents appropriately saw no basis for it, is a straightforward retaliatory response to President Trump’s decisions as Commander In Chief in 2020, his exercising his constitutional rights to free speech and to petition for the redress of grievances, and his decision to run for political office,” they wrote.

In a separate filing, his lawyers said Trump did not violate the statutes he was charged with, even if the allegations in the indictment are true.

They said prosecutors wrongly stretched the language in “a statute directed at the destruction of records in accounting fraud” to cover disputing a presidential election.

Prosecutors responded to Trump’s initial motion to dismiss earlier this month by claiming it is unsupported by American history.

There is no “legal principle, case or historical practice” backing the idea that a former president is immune from criminal prosecution, prosecutors argued.

SHOCK: UN Insinuates Israel “Had it Coming”

(TStarnes) – Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations is calling for the resignation of U.N. Secretary General António Guterres over comments he made about an anti-Israel speech.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan called the secretary-general’s speech “shocking” for stating that the Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel by Hamas “did not happen in a vacuum.”

“It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,” Guterres said. “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.”

Erdan posted a scathing rebuke on X.

“The shocking speech by the @UN Secretary-General at the Security Council meeting, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved conclusively, beyond any doubt, that the Secretary-General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner,” Erdan posted on X, formerly Twitter.

“His statement that, ‘the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,’ expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomabale [sic]. It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!”

Erdan demanded that Guterres resign.

“The @UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN,” he wrote in a follow-up post. “I call on him to resign immediately. There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words.”

Breaking: Elon Musk Goes AFTER Fake News Media

(SNews) – Twitter/X boss Elon Musk has responded to the New York Times pushing fake news on his platform about the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Last week, the NY Times published a report claiming that Israel had bombed a hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds of civilians.

The story quickly spread across social media and even ignited riots around the world.

However, the story was false and evidence later emerged proving that the hospital was hit by a missile that was misfired by Hamas terrorists.

The NYT attempted to stealth-edit the story to remove the debunked allegations but the damage was already done.

Earlier this year, the news outlet and Musk had a dispute over the verifications badge from a strictly financial standpoint.

Nevertheless, Musk let the Times have the golden badge regardless.

However, the fake claims about Israel’s role in the hospital explosion appear to be a step too far and X has now stripped the NTY of it’s coveted gold verification badge.

According to the Washington Post, X and Musk have not specified any reasoning behind taking away the golden badge.

As the Washington Post pointed out, the gold badge is meant to help distinguish corporate media outlets from other users.

All of that to say, it is believed that the New York Times lost its golden badge due to spreading false information.

Hamas’s misinformation, magnified by the New York Times, has aided in the rise of Middle Eastern tension, along with wildly misinformed individuals protesting against Israel when in reality they are clueless to the truth that Hamas is responsible for the atrocity, not Israel.

As reported by Breitbart, this is not the first mass misinformation that the New York Times has spread, and so they lost their gold badge.

Thankfully, Bret Stephens from the New York Times has since pointed out that information spread by institutions in Gaza should all be thoroughly checked.

He explained that they all are forced to answer to Hamas, and since there is no such thing as a “free press” under Hamas, claims like “Israel bombed the hospital,” should be “triple-checked.”

Hopefully, the Times will do its homework next time, and avoid flaring up division around the world.

Red Alert: YouTube Moves To Take Control Of 2024 Election

(SNews) – YouTube has announced plans to boost corporate media outlets that the Google-owned video streaming giant deems to be “credible sources” ahead of the critical 2024 election.

The move comes as the voting public is increasingly expressing an aversion to traditional mass media outlets, instead choosing more trustworthy independent news sources.

Currently, the video-sharing giant is launching a revamped user interface designed to enhance the viewing experience.

The new system introduces additional news-oriented content suggestions when users are engaged in watching news videos.

Google, the parent company of YouTube, plans to increase establishment media presence on its shortform video feature, Shorts.

The company will channel $1.6 million into increasing the volume of news-oriented content on Shorts.

YouTube provides examples of this new feature in a blog post.

In one example, a user watching a video about floods in Pakistan published by PBS.

They will then be directed toward more related videos about the same event.

The system will direct users to legacy news publishers such as The Associated Press, CBS Evening News, and Sky News and away from independent sources not deemed “credible” by Google.

Initial deployment of this improved watch page experience will take place across around 40 countries on mobile.

It will later be extended to desktop and living room interfaces.

Besides the interface overhaul, YouTube also intends to invest a substantial $1.6 million to boost the creation of short-form news content on its Shorts service in partnership with 20 organizations across 10 nations.

This initiative will involve collaboration with news outlets that already generate long-form content for YouTube.

The essence of digital platforms like YouTube lies in their ability to offer a level playing field for all creators, regardless of their size or affiliation.

However, with this new venture, YouTube risks alienating a significant portion of its content creator community as it moves to give more real estate to its legacy competitors.

It may also inadvertently stifle the diversity of perspectives essential for a well-rounded public discourse.

Many years ago, was seen as one of the digital space’s most profound advantages over traditional media outlets.

However, for liberal Big Tech companies, controlling the narrative ahead of the next election will be a top priority.

Trump Just Got Another BIG Win

(SNews) – A Democrat-selected Colorado judge has backed efforts to block President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot during the state’s 2024 presidential election.

Judge Sarah Wallace denied a motion by Trump and the Colorado GOP to throw out a politically-motivated lawsuit.

The suit seeks to keep Trump off the ballot in an apparent effort to help Democrat President Joe Biden.

Wallace, a Colorado district court judge, was appointed to the bench earlier this year by Democrat Gov. Jared Polis.

Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, faces challenges to appear on the ballot in multiple states based on his alleged role in events of January 6, 2021.

Those lawsuits cite the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in the aftermath of the Civil War, which bans those who “engaged in insurrection” from holding public office.

Trump has not been convicted of so-called “insurrection.”

The 45th president was acquitted by the U.S. Senate of charges of “engaging in insurrection.”

The allegations are related to the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

However, there was no “insurrection,” despite claims from the Democrats and their allies in the corporate media.

Trump continues to deny wrongdoing.

Nevertheless, Democrats continue to push the claims because “engaging in insurrection” is one of the few clauses in the U.S. Constitution that would disqualify a person from running for president.

In denying Trump and the Colorado GOP’s motions, the Colorado court did not rule on the merits of the case.

Trump still has one additional motion pending to throw out the case.

If that motion fails, the trial is expected to begin on October 30.

Wallace would be the judge presiding over the case.

Trump’s motion made the case that his actions on January 6 were on “public issues” and therefore protected by free speech rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

In her opinion, Wallace said that a Colorado free speech law did not in this case.

A Trump campaign spokesperson pushed back on Wallace for allowing the case to proceed.

“[Wallace] is going against the clear weight of legal authority,” Trump’s spokesperson said in a statement.

“We are confident the rule of law will prevail, and this decision will be reversed – whether at the Colorado Supreme Court or at the U.S. Supreme Court.

“To keep the leading candidate for President of the United States off the ballot is simply wrong and un-American.”

The Supreme Court has never before ruled on the Civil War-era amendment, however.

Trump’s attorneys argue the amendment was intended to apply to those waging war on the U.S.

If the lawsuit ultimately prevails, Trump could be kept off the ballot in additional states.

This would come despite Trump being the runaway favorite to win the Republican nomination.

Trump is also leading President Biden in recent polling.

The case against Trump was brought by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

The watchdog nonprofit group is tied to Democrat strategist David Brock.

Although claiming to be bipartisan, CREW has received criticism for its “partisan vendetta against conservatives and Republicans.”

Brock’s network of organizations includes Democrat-aligned opposition research Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century and far-left propaganda organization Media Matters for America (MMfA).

MMfA has been called an “arm of the [2016] Hillary Clinton campaign.”

The group, which uses its influence to smear conservative media outlets and push Democrat talking points, achieved notoriety for continuing to defend actor Jessie Smollett’s 2019 claims of falling victim to a hate crime after evidence appeared undermining his story.

MMfA labeled the skepticism of Smollett’s story a “right-wing smear” and only updated its website after Smollett was arrested for filing a false police report.

The case is Anderson v. Griswold, Case No.: 2023CV32577, in district court for the city and county of Denver.

Top Democrat Mayor FLIPS on BLM Agenda

(SNews) – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has abandoned the radical anti-police agenda she adopted during the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots as crime soars out of control in the nation’s capital.

On Monday, the Democrat mayor introduced new legislation to address skyrocketing crime in D.C.

Speaking from Ward Four, Bowser rolled out the proposal deemed the Addressing Crime Trends (ACT) Now Act.

The bill clarifies the distinction between a serious use of force and incidental contact with the neck, ensures officers can review their body-worn camera footage prior to writing their initial police report in certain circumstances, makes permanent clarification of vehicular pursuit, and defines what information will be posted publicly related to officer discipline.

“MPD continues to be a leader in fair and constitutional policing across this nation,” Bowser said in a statement.

“They continue to work every day to have and keep the trust of our city.

“And this legislation won’t change that.

“It will, however, support the department in dealing with some of the negative consequences of the Comprehensive Police Adjustment and Injustice Amendment Act.

“Some of the changes that were made just don’t match the daily practice of safe and effective policing.

“And whether that’s around incidental contact you can make with a person, or how officers can use their body-worn camera footage to write reports or whether police are allowed to safely chase a criminal who’s right in front of them[.]”

“Residents have expressed loud and clear to me in every venue you can imagine across this city that they are looking for solutions to help fill the gaps in our public safety ecosystem,” she continued.

“We promise to leave no stone unturned, but we need to act now, and we need to send the strong message that violence is not acceptable in our city.

“And this perception that people have that you can commit a brazen crime and get away with it has got to stop.

“This legislation will help change that.”

Bowser said the new legislation proposal aims to address “current crime trends,” saying some of the changes “are just plain common sense.”

The ACT Act aims to combat organized retail theft, address loitering around open-air drug markets, and make it unlawful to use masks for committing criminal acts.

“Under the new law, it will be illegal for any person to organize a theft-for-profit scheme by recruiting or directing other individuals to commit organized retail theft,” she said, referring to thieves in ski masks who frequently rob individuals and businesses at gunpoint.

“We are also reinstating the law that makes it unlawful for to wear a mask for the purpose of committing criminal acts or threatening people or causing fear.

“Obviously, our community’s relationship around wearing masks has changed significantly since 2020, and thank God for that.”

Bowser said the changes would not apply to people “who are wearing masks for their health.”

As for open-air drug dealing, Bowser said, “People in the community are not fools.

“They know what’s happening on some of these sites.”

“The new legislation will allow MPD to limit loitering by reinstating the ability for the police chief to declare a drug-free zone for up to 120 hours to disrupt and prohibit people from congregating on public space for the purchase, sale or use of illegal drugs,” she said.

“The establishment of a temporary drug-free zone will allow MPD and community members to work together to interrupt illegal activity and allow neighborhoods to reclaim our space.”

The mayor said the legislation would ensure a policy environment that better supports police officers in allowing them to make Washington, D.C., safer, as well as communities, victims, and the Metropolitan Police Department’s ability to hire and retain highly qualified officers.

In June 2020, Bowser had Black Lives Matter painted in bright yellow letters on the street that runs into the White House in a move seen by many to target President Donald Trump.

Bowser painted the street following George Floyd’s death, caused by a fatal fentanyl overdose, in Minneapolis.

Protesters soon added the message “defund the police” to the street mural.

It was seen in aerial images taken above the nation’s capital at the time.

Bowser notably changed her tune when she was up for re-election.

She tried to distance herself from the police-defunding stance promoted by progressive Democrats in the district after crime soared as a direct result of the movement.

ALERT: Violent Far-Left Protests Break Out Across America

Violent pro-Hamas protests broke out in New York City tonight. Tens of thousands marched in the streets of Brooklyn – many chanted, “Move, cops, get out the way. We know you’re Israeli-trained.” Police are making a number of arrests.

Following, is more video from the scene.

Americans Outraged As Harvard Goes All-In For Terror

(SNews) – Far-left college students are expressing outrage after their support for the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel ending up costing them future job opportunities.

Harvard University students who signed an egregious, terrorism-justifying statement are now arguing that they have fallen victim to “bullying.”

The same students are even soliciting financial donations, claiming they need to finance mental health support due to the backlash against their anti-Semitic protests.

Meanwhile, law students at New York University, who pushed the same anti-Israel protests, are claiming that denying someone a job because of their support for terrorism is an act of “violence.”

The complaints come after a top U.S. law firm rescinded job offers for three Ivy League students after they allegedly signed letters about the Israel-Hamas war.

An internal email at the law firm Davis Polk revealed that the company withdrew the offers to the three law students at Harvard and Columbia Universities over their apparent signatures on public statements.

“These statements are simply contrary to our firm’s values and we thus concluded that rescinding these offers was appropriate in upholding our responsibility to provide a safe and inclusive work environment for all Davis Polk employees,” said the email, signed by Neil Barr, NBC reported.

“At this time, we remain in dialogue with two of these students to ensure that any further color being offered to us by these students is considered,” the email added.

It comes as Ivy League universities across the country are embroiled in rows in the wake of Hamas’s terror attack against Israel on October 7.

Unrest continues to rumble on at Harvard University after a group of 33 student organizations, led by the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, released a now-deleted statement on social media arguing that Israel’s “apartheid regime” had created the impetus for the war.

“Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum,” the letter read.

“For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison.”

“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” the letter continued.

It describes Israel’s subsequent campaign in Gaza as “colonial retaliation.”

The letter prompted a furious backlash, with Harvard professors and alumni calling on the university’s leadership to condemn the letter as well as Hamas.

Bill Gates’ Suspicious Ties To U.S. Gov’t Revealed

(SNews) – A new report has exposed ties between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Bill Gates’ organization that experts warn are “suspicious.”

The FDA entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2017.

Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures.”

This share-agreement includes information such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic.

The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations.

However, few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures.

Experts are concerned the Gates Foundation could have undue influence over the FDA’s regulatory decisions of these countermeasures, according to a report from the Brownstone Institute.

David Gortler, an ex-senior adviser to the FDA commissioner between 2019 and 2021, says he is “suspicious” of the MOU.

“If the Gates Foundation establishes an MOU with a regulator on a product they want to develop, it seems like it would be a conflict of interest,” he says.

“What if every other drug company did the exact same thing as the Gates Foundation?”

Gortler, now a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., explained that normally, meetings between developers and regulators are supposed to be an official part of the public record and subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.

“However, an MOU such as this can circumvent the usual requirements for the transparency of official communications,” says Gortler.

“This way their communications can be kept secret.”

David Bell, a former medical officer for the World Health Organization (WHO) who now works as a public health physician and biotech consultant, agrees that the MOU has the potential to corrupt the regulatory process.

“The narrative is that philanthropic foundations can only be good because they’re making vaccines and saving thousands of lives, so we need to cut the red tape and help the FDA get stuff done quickly otherwise children will die,” says Bell.

“But in reality, it has the potential to corrupt the whole system.”

Bell adds, “Speaking generally, close relationships between regulators and developers raise inevitable risks that shortcuts and favours will break down the rigorousness of the product review, putting the public at risk.”

Bell has no doubt that these appointments were strategic to “game the system” saying, “If I worked at the Gates Foundation, I would certainly hire somebody like Murray Lumpkin.”

The only way to fix the revolving door problem Bell says, is to have a “non-compete clause” in their contracts.

“It might be that FDA employees cannot work for the people they’ve regulated for at least 10 years,” said Bell.

“There are places that have those rules – private companies have agreements that you can’t work for a rival.”

The FDA dismissed questions about the potential for conflicts of interest or the lack of transparency over its communications with the Gates Foundation.

In a statement, the FDA said:

FDA regulatory decision making is science-based. Former FDA officials do not impact regulatory decisions. FDA only collaborates with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the MOU as described.

Gates boasted about receiving a 20-to-1 return on his $10 billion investment into the “financing and delivery” of medicines and vaccines.

“It’s the best investment I’ve ever made,” he wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

“Decades ago, these investments weren’t sure bets, but today, they almost always pay off in a big way.”

In Sept 2019, just prior to the pandemic, SEC filings showed the foundation purchased over 1 million shares in BioNTech (Pfizer’s partner) for $18.10/share.

By Nov 2021, the foundation dumped most of the stock for an average of $300/share.

Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reported the foundation pocketed approximately $260 million in profit – more than 15 times its original investment – most of it untaxed because it was invested through the foundation.

In his recent book, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, Gates warns that future pandemics are the biggest threat to humankind and that survival depends on global pandemic preparedness strategies, firmly positioning himself at the centre of shaping the agenda.

In October 2019, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201, which gathered government agencies, social media companies, and national security organisations to war game a “fictional” global pandemic.

The FDA has been roundly criticised for its “revolving door.”

Ten of the past 11 FDA commissioners left the agency and secured roles with pharmaceutical companies they once regulated.

Similarly, the Gates Foundation hired high-ranking members of the FDA, who bring with them intimate knowledge of the regulatory process.

For example, Murray Lumpkin had a 24-year career at the FDA, serving as senior advisor to the FDA commissioner and representative for global issues.

Now, he is deputy director of regulatory affairs at the Gates Foundation and a signatory on the MOU.

And Margaret Hamburg, who served as FDA commissioner between 2009 and 2015, is now on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Gates Foundation.

The key recommendations from the event were that such a crisis would require the deployment of new vaccines, surveillance, and control of information and human behaviours, by orchestrating the cooperation and coordination of key industries, national governments, and international institutions.

Several weeks later when the Covid pandemic emerged, many aspects of this “hypothetical scenario” became a chilling reality.

The Gates Foundation, which holds shares in a range of drug companies including Merck, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, is now credited with wielding significant influence over the direction of the global response to the pandemic, saying its goal is to “vaccinate the entire world” with a Covid vaccine.

The Gates Foundation has poured millions into funding NGOs, media, and international agencies, earning Gates significant political clout.

Financial contributions to the media have garnered Gates favourable news coverage, boasting on the foundation’s website it committed almost $3.5 million to the Guardian in 2020 – 2023.

The UK medicines regulator – the MHRA – disclosed it took approximately $3 million in funding from the Gates Foundation in 2022, which would span across several financial years.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. labelled Gates “the most powerful man in public health” because he managed to steer the WHO’s pandemic strategy to focus primarily on vaccination.

Kennedy said in an interview that the WHO “begs and rolls over” for Gates’s funding.

Money from Gates now makes up over 88 percent of the total amount of the WHO’s donations by philanthropic foundations.

“I think [Gates] believes that he is somehow ordained divinely to bring salvation to the world through technology,” said Kenney.

“He believes the only path to good health is inside a syringe.”

The Gates Foundation’s CEO Mark Suzman responded to concerns that the foundation has “disproportionate sway in setting national and global agendas, without any formal accountability to voters or international bodies.”

“It’s true that between our dollars, voice, and convening power, we have access and influence that many others do not,” admitted Suzman in his 2023 annual letter.

“But make no mistake – where there’s a solution that can improve livelihoods and save lives, we’ll advocate persistently for it,” he wrote.

“We won’t stop using our influence, along with our monetary commitments, to find solutions.”

China Issues Terrifying New Announcement To The World

(SNews) – The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has launched a new initiative that seeks to control artificial intelligence (AI), and with it, much of the world’s technology.

On Wednesday, China launched its “Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative” at the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) forum in Beijing.

Chinese state media touted the initiative as an “open, inclusive, and fair approach” to A.I. development.

However, the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Taliban at the BRI forum hinted at a deeper purpose behind the Chinese Communist Party’s plans.

China’s state-run Global Times on Wednesday promoted the Global A.I. Governance Initiative as a “stark contrast to the U.S.’ restrictions and blockade aimed at preserving its hegemony.”

This was a reference to the U.S. and allied countries locking down sales of advanced computer technology to China last year, according to Breitbart.

Restrictions on Chinese tech were in recognition of the enormous security risk posed by the Chinese Communist Party’s malign activities, and its penchant for intellectual property theft.

Tighter U.S. regulations on A.I. chips went into effect on Tuesday, infuriating Beijing.

“Even as China stressed fairness and non-discrimination in AI development so as to benefit all countries and regions, the U.S. intensified unilateral restrictions over normal global cooperation in A.I. and other technologies,” the Global Times fulminated.

“Western countries have also been seeking to set rules for AI, which experts say is mostly aimed at protecting their own interests.”

The thought of China’s gruesome authoritarian government gaining control of AI technology has been a nightmare plaguing the free world for most of the new century.

Among the earliest concerns was that China’s lack of regard for privacy — for either its own subjects or foreign citizens — would allow it to compile gigantic databases to feed growing AI programs, leaping ahead of American and European companies bound by data privacy rules.

The Chinese Communist Party’s loose ethical standards quickly gave rise to horrific exercises in AI-driven surveillance, including research into AI facial recognition systems that would allow the tyrants of Beijing to track and monitor “troublesome” minority populations such as Tibetans and the Uyghur Muslims.

A world in which China sets the standards for “AI governance” would be a world in which everyone but the political elite is monitored by relentless electronic eyes at every hour of the day.

The CIA and FBI have both expressed ongoing concerns about China’s influence on AI development and its abuse of the technology to drive massive espionage, surveillance, and influence campaigns.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said in January he was “deeply concerned” that China’s AI development is “not constrained by the rule of law.”

Lakshmi Raman, the CIA’s director for artificial intelligence, warned only a few weeks ago that China’s AI programs are “growing every which way,” posing threats to both the security and stability of free nations.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in September advised that adversaries like China are “seeking to undermine trust in our government institutions, social cohesion, and democratic processes are using AI to create more believable mis-, dis-, and malinformation campaigns.”

An example of that menace was uncovered by Microsoft in September: a Chinese-controlled network of social media accounts that used AI software to “mimic U.S. voters” and generate content that was “more eye-catching than the awkward visuals used in previous campaigns by Chinese nation-state actors.”

The quality of the AI-generated propaganda improved noticeably as the system absorbed more information and refined its techniques.

China’s Global AI Governance Initiative talks about respecting “national sovereignty,” but examples such as the network discovered by Microsoft demonstrate that Beijing has no such respect for other countries.

The launch announcement for the Chinese initiative even denounced “using AI technologies for the purposes of manipulating public opinion” — exactly what Microsoft just caught China using AI to do.

The Global Times ladled out Chinese propaganda buzzwords such as “fairness,” “openness,” “win-win cooperation,” and “non-discrimination,” but China clearly feels AI is a weapon it can wield carelessly because its own gigantic censorship apparatus and authoritarian Internet control makes it immune to the havoc it wreaks upon others.

The most secretive, dishonest, and autocratic government on Earth feels very comfortable calling on everyone else to leave its digital doors unlocked.

There is some intriguing evidence that the Chinese Communist Party is wrong in that assessment.

The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) in August argued that AI could yet make the old dream of using Internet freedom to undermine authoritarian regimes a reality, reversing decades of dismal regression that made the Internet a better tool for tyrants than liberators.

CEPA noted that China hastily stuffed its homegrown AI chatbot genies back into their bottles because they kept coming up with unexpected and challenging answers to questions after being fed a steady diet of Communist propaganda.

Chinese Internet giant Baidu just tentatively re-released its ERNIE chatbot on Tuesday after hauling it off to a digital re-education camp.

“Authoritarians rely on narrative homogeneity as a tool for control, viewing any deviation as a potential threat. Generative AI represents a threat to this narrative homogeneity,” CEPA noted.

“Authoritarians must contend with a plethora of news, media, and cultural productions that will challenge their accepted version of reality.”

As CEPA explained, the early Internet was not too difficult for authoritarian regimes to control because search engines were “deterministic and easy to block.”

AI systems are driven more by input from consumers of information than content creators.

They learn from both the questions they are asked, and the data they find — and information consumers vastly outnumber content creators.

Social media unleashed a flood of information and emotions, which AI can focus into a data stream that authoritarians may find much more difficult to manage than the Internet of five years ago.

“With its ability to produce fully synthesized narratives, AI has the potential to expose users to new — and from the authoritarians’ perspective — dangerous narratives,” CEPA concluded.

The rulers of China will want to minimize that risk to their own power, so if the “Global AI Governance Initiative” is anything more than a temper tantrum at U.S. restrictions on advanced chip sales, it is a threat to strangle the new era of AI-driven provocation and rebellion in its crib.