WATCH: Fani Willis Goes On BIZARRE Rant Against Her Critics

Fani Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County, fearlessly confronted those who criticized her, accusing them of objectifying black women and trying to “shame” her in a recent interview.

At the age of 52, Willis, who has faced backlash for her involvement with Nathan Wade, a former high-ranking prosecutor in her extensive election racketeering case, firmly asserted that she remains resilient despite the ongoing attacks.

“I spend no time thinking about them. I’m too busy celebrating our fineness, our beauty, our success, our wisdom, but most of all our hearts to be bothered by attacks from anyone,” Willis claimed to a lively crowd at the Turner Chapel AME Church in Georgia.

“See, that’s why they mad. Because while they over there running [their] mouth, I’m over here paying them no mind, thriving [sic],” she continued.


Biden LASHES Out After Supreme Court Strikes Him Down

President Joe Biden urged Congress to prohibit bump stocks shortly after the Supreme Court of the United States invalidated the ATF’s ban on these firearm accessories.

A longer statement was also attached, saying:

“Notwithstanding this decision, my Administration will continue to take action. I took on the NRA and signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act — the most significant gun violence reduction legislation to pass Congress in nearly 30 years. My Administration established the first ever White House office of Gun Violence Prevention, made historical investments in mental health to support people in times of crisis, and expanded background checks to keep firearms out of the wrong hands.”

Biden’s ATF has actively proposed regulatory measures for gun control throughout his tenure, but several of these measures have faced significant challenges in the judicial system in the past week.

The Gun Owners of America obtained a preliminary injunction against the ATF’s background check rule. Additionally, on June 13, 2024, Breitbart News highlighted the success of the Firearms Policy Coalition in having the ATF’s universal background check rule invalidated.

While the decision to invalidate the universal background check rule can be appealed, it would be directed to the Fifth Circuit, which has not been particularly receptive to the ATF’s efforts in implementing regulatory gun control. Most recently, on June 14, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the ATF’s ban on bump stocks.

Trump Gets EPIC Birthday Surprise

Republican legislators surprised former President Donald Trump with an early birthday present during his visit to Capitol Hill on Thursday. This marked Trump’s first appearance on Capitol Hill since the events of January 6, 2021. During the meeting, Trump engaged in discussions with Republicans regarding campaign tactics for the upcoming November election.

He expressed his admiration for House Speaker Mike Johnson and made a strong commitment to supporting Republicans in achieving significant victories in the election. Furthermore, Trump announced his ambition to secure victories in all states. Reports indicate that the lawmakers presented him with a birthday cake as a surprise.

“The meeting came on the eve of the former president’s 78th birthday and Senator Tommy Tuberville told Newsweek that Republicans presented him with a cake. It was reportedly chocolate,” the outlet said.

The outlet added:

“[Senator] Mike Lee said the cake had “45” and “47” candles on it, a reference to his first term as president and the potential for him to be the 47th president, as well. Before blowing out the candles, Trump said he would make a wish that related to “everyone in this room,” according to Senator Cynthia Lummis. Representative Matt Gaetz characterized the House meeting as a “pep rally” for Trump, emphasizing unity within the party. Trump urged Republicans to come together and avoid internal conflicts, offering to support members in tough races through tele-townhalls and other means. However, he also acknowledged that he was supporting some of their opponents.”

During his speech, Trump addressed various contentious issues, including border security, China, and abortion. He acknowledged that abortion has influenced previous Republican Party elections and emphasized the need for “common sense” policies with exceptions for rape, incest, and maternal life endangerment, as per Newsweek.

Trump is set to celebrate his birthday in Michigan, a key battleground state, where he will speak at The People’s Convention hosted by Turning Point USA. The MAGA Conservative Coalition has organized a MAGA Boat Parade on Lake St. Clair this Saturday.

In a notable development, Trump has surpassed President Joe Biden in a critical swing state that he won in 2016 but narrowly lost in 2020, according to a recent survey. According to Fox News, the latest Marist College Poll shows Trump leading Biden by 47–45 percent in Pennsylvania, although this falls within the survey’s margin of error.

In the survey, Democratic-turned-independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. polled at 3%, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West each received 1%, with 2% undecided. In the upcoming presidential election, among a smaller group of likely voters, the Republican candidate maintains a 48% to 46% lead over the Democratic incumbent in a multi-candidate race, as reported by Fox News.

Trump Scores HUGE Victory Right Ahead Of Election

Former President Donald Trump has once again taken the lead from President Joe Biden in a crucial swing state that he previously won in 2016 but narrowly lost in 2020, according to a recent survey conducted by Marist College. The survey reveals that Trump is currently ahead of Biden by a margin of 47-45 percent in Pennsylvania. However, it is important to note that this falls within the survey’s margin of error.

The poll also indicates that Democratic-turned-independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received 3% support, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent candidate Cornel West each garnered 1% of the vote. Additionally, 2% of respondents remained undecided. Among likely voters in the upcoming presidential election, Trump maintains a 48% to 46% lead over Biden in a multi-candidate race. Trump’s victory in Pennsylvania in 2016 was significant, as he became the first Republican in nearly three decades to carry the state.

Pennsylvania is traditionally considered a Democratic stronghold in the northeastern and midwestern regions. Although Biden narrowly won his home state in the 2020 election, the recent Marist poll suggests potential challenges for him within certain segments of the Democratic Party’s base.

“While still strong, Biden has lost his formidable support among black voters. 68% break for Biden to 23% for Trump. Biden handily won the support of most black voters in the 2020 presidential election, 92% to 7% for Trump,” an analysis of the polling data said.

The most recent survey indicates a significant increase in backing for Trump among voters under 45 in Pennsylvania. In the last election, Biden secured this demographic by a margin of 24 points, however, the latest poll indicates that Biden’s advantage over Trump has decreased to only two points.

But the survey also found that, “Trump’s advantage among older voters has evaporated. He carried voters 45 or older by 12 percentage points in 2020. Now, three percentage points separate Trump (48%) and Biden (45%) among this group.”

Fox adds: “While Trump holds the edge over Biden in the latest polling in most of the key swing states, and while his fundraising has surged in the wake of his conviction two weeks ago in the first criminal trial of a current or former president, Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC) are currently facing a large deficit to the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) when it comes to grassroots out reach and get-out-the-vote efforts. The Trump campaign along with the RNC and the Pennsylvania GOP last week opened their first campaign office in Pennsylvania. In comparison, the Biden re-election campaign, the DNC and Pennsylvania Democrats spotlight that they have 24 coordinated offices and hundreds of staffers across the Commonwealth.”

According to a recent survey conducted by Bloomberg News/Morning Consult, it was found that Trump continues to maintain his lead in the critical swing states as his campaign progresses towards the Republican Party’s July convention in Milwaukee. The poll, which included registered voters, took place from May 7th to 13th and revealed that Trump holds a four-point lead over Biden across all swing states.

In specific states, Trump leads by five points in Arizona, seven points in North Carolina, three points in Georgia, two points in Pennsylvania, and one point in Wisconsin. However, the race has become more competitive compared to the previous month, with Trump’s advantages in Wisconsin and Georgia narrowing. It is worth noting that Trump and Biden were tied in Nevada, while Biden holds a slight one-point lead over Trump in Michigan. The survey, which involved 4,962 registered swing state voters, has a margin of error of one point.

Additionally, the survey indicated a relatively negative outlook on the economy, with 55 percent of respondents expressing that the economy in their state is heading in the wrong direction, while 45 percent believe it is moving in the right direction.

Democrats SABOTAGE Voters With Bizarre Maneuver

California Democrats are advocating for a set of bills aimed at curbing the surge of retail theft that has greatly impacted the state. However, there is a condition attached to these bills – they would be nullified if a ballot measure enforcing stricter penalties for specific crimes is sanctioned. In an unexpected move, Democrats in the California State Legislature included provisions in the bill package, stating that the laws would be repealed if the ballot initiative is successful. This action has provoked strong criticism from Republicans, who have accused the Democrats of engaging in political maneuvering, as reported by The San Francisco Chronicle.

“Democrats need to stop playing politics with public safety and let voters decide on fixing Prop. 47,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher in a press release. “These poison pills show that Democrats aren’t serious about ending the crime wave–they just want to look like they’re doing something because their years-long support for criminals has become a political liability.”

The proposed legislation, known as the “Homelessness, Drug Addiction & Theft Reduction Act,” aims to reverse certain aspects of the 2014 Ballot Proposition 47. This proposition reduced the severity of penalties for drug possession and theft under $950, changing them from felonies to misdemeanors.

The new proposal seeks to eliminate the $950 threshold for a third theft offense, making it a felony, and to elevate a third drug possession offense to a felony as well. Additionally, it would extend jail time for repeat retail theft and classify the possession of fentanyl as a felony. Assembly Member Rick Chavez Zbur has defended these controversial provisions, arguing that the bills and the initiative should not be implemented simultaneously.

“When you add (the ballot measure), you have a whole additional group of people that can be prosecuted and jailed for very small activities,” he told the Chronicle. “The combination of those two, it’s sort of supercharging of this whole process and moving back to a period where we’re going to have much more incarceration. … Our package was never intended to be stacked on top of a one-sided ballot measure.”

Gallagher and Brian Jones, the California Senate Republican Leader, stood up in support of the initiative and bill that were approved. They emphasized that the new initiative tackles the shortcomings they perceive in Proposition 47.

“While the retail theft package is commendable, the battle against crime in California requires a more robust approach, particularly addressing the failures of Proposition 47,” said Gallagher and Jones in a letter to California Speaker Robert Rivas and Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire. “To truly turn back the wave of property crime that has washed over California, we must return to the voters with the Homelessness, Drug Addiction & Theft Reduction Act–a citizen-led initiative to impose additional consequences for property crime and fentanyl offenses.”

Shock Video Has EVERYONE Concerned For Biden’s Mental Health

A new video released from the G7 Summit on Thursday depicts President Biden straying from the group of world leaders while Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni appears concerned and tries to guide him back. While the other G7 leaders were clapping for a parachute demonstrator’s successful landing, Biden seemed distracted and wandered off towards an individual who was packing a parachute bag.

The remaining leaders, such as Emmanuel Macron of France and Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom, swiftly shifted their focus away from the parachuter. Instead, they directed their attention towards Joe Biden, who was giving a thumbs up to a disinterested individual wearing a red beret. With his back now completely turned to the other leaders, Biden observed the red beret while Meloni gently guided him and redirected his attention back to the parachuters.

Biden then stood there, mouth agape, and gradually put on his sunglasses as he joined the rest of the leaders in observing the demonstration. Subsequently, Sunak and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio gathered around Biden for a photo opportunity. This incident took place during Biden’s attendance at the 50th G7 Summit in Borgo Egnazia, Italy, where world leaders achieved a significant milestone by endorsing a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, as reported by The Hill. Additionally, Biden signed a groundbreaking “Bilateral Security Agreement” with Ukraine.


Americans FURIOUS After Biden Launches Mass Amnesty

The expansion of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program under President Joe Biden’s administration has resulted in the protection of over 860,000 foreign nationals from deportation in the United States. According to data released by the Congressional Research Service, the TPS program implemented during Biden’s tenure safeguards approximately 864,000 foreign nationals, who would otherwise be considered illegal aliens and subject to deportation.

The Congressional Research Service reports:

“There are currently 16 countries under TPS designations. As of March 31, 2024, approximately 863,880 foreign nationals from the following countries who were in the United States were protected by TPS: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen. In addition, certain Palestinians, Liberians, and residents of Hong Kong living in the United States currently maintain relief under Deferred Enforced Departure.”

Biden’s administration has witnessed a significant expansion of TPS, primarily due to the participation of various nationalities. Notably, around 345,000 Venezuelans, over 200,000 Haitians, more than 180,000 El Salvadorans, over 54,000 Hondurans, and more than 50,000 Ukrainians have taken advantage of the quasi-amnesty program. It is worth mentioning that a majority of TPS beneficiaries are concentrated in a few states, with approximately 300,000 residing in Florida, nearly 94,000 in Texas, 67,840 in New York, and 67,800 in California.

Recent reports indicate that the number of foreign nationals eligible for TPS has reached approximately 1.2 million. The TPS program was initially established under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 (INA) to protect individuals from deportation in countries facing famine, war, or natural disasters. Over time, TPS has evolved into a de facto amnesty program, as it has been consistently renewed by the Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations for various countries.

State Supreme Court Delivers DEVASTATING Blow To The Left’s Big Plan

The strategy of the Left, which involves suing until they achieve their desired outcome, has once again been thwarted, this time in Kansas. The Kansas Supreme Court overturned a ruling from a lower court, delivering a well-deserved blow to Democratic elections lawyer Marc Elias and his group of partisan activists. They had attempted to challenge the safeguards in place for mail voting in the state. In their relentless pursuit of favorable legal battlegrounds, Elias and the supposedly nonpartisan League of Women Voters chose to file their lawsuit in Kansas state court instead of the Federal court.

This case posed a direct threat to the integrity of Kansas elections, as Elias aimed to eliminate all restrictions on ballot trafficking and the entire system of signature verification. The Left’s ideal scenario would allow partisan operatives to collect an unlimited number of mail ballots, with no means for the state to verify their validity. While many states permit someone other than the voter to return their mail ballot, this practice opens the door to potential abuse known as ballot trafficking. It involves individuals collecting mail ballots from multiple voters and submitting them to election officials.

Although close family members are typically allowed to return ballots, it is evident that there are inherent issues with strangers handling other people’s ballots. Alabama has completely banned this practice, but Kansas sought only to impose limitations. To put it mildly, Kansas’ restrictions are quite lenient. In Kansas, a voter can personally return up to ten ballots. This means that a quarterback could return not only their own ballot but also those of the entire starting offense.

Alternatively, one could return the ballots of their spouse, parents, in-laws, and grandparents, and still have room to spare. This stands in stark contrast to states like Arkansas and Florida, where individuals are limited to returning two ballots other than their own, or New Jersey, where the limit is three.

Elias requested the court to remove the generous provision and permit an individual to collect and return an unlimited number of ballots. He specifically urged the Kansas Supreme Court to establish unlimited ballot trafficking as a constitutional right. However, the court refused. Instead, it ruled that the Kansas Constitution solely prohibits the legislature from adding voter qualifications, not from determining how elections are conducted. Despite this, the Left persisted in trying to impose unlimited, unregulated ballot trafficking on a state that opposes it. Elias also sought to invalidate Kansas’ signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

Since mail-in voting occurs without election workers present, verifying the voter’s identity is challenging but crucial for election integrity. In Kansas, the voter’s signature is the only means to confirm that the individual who cast the ballot (or had it delivered by someone else) is the same person who requested it. While other states have started using driver’s license numbers, Kansas lacks additional security measures. Nevertheless, the Left deemed even this minor safeguard excessive. They argued that requiring a signature – a common practice in daily activities like using a credit card – violates the right to vote. The court, however, disagreed. The justices upheld the reasonable stance that Kansas has the authority to demand proof of identity from voters. Requiring a signature is a practical and widely accepted method to achieve this when the voter is not physically present.

This signifies a triumph for the principle of law, however, it does not mark the conclusion of the matter. The court has indeed remanded the case back to the lower court in order to determine whether Kansas’ procedure of allowing voters to rectify, or “cure,” ballots with absent or mismatched signatures adheres to the principles of equal protection and due process. According to Kansas law, election officials are obligated to make an effort to reach out to voters whose ballots fail signature verification, and voters are granted nearly two weeks after the election to address any issues. This system appears to adequately meet the requirements of constitutional due process, although it is unlikely that Elias will acknowledge or respect this fact.

WATCH: Fox Star TORCHES ‘Hack’ Ant-Trump Judge

During his appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” with former Trump economist Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin, the radio talk show host and Fox News host, made some startling revelations about the judge who oversaw former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial. The discussion took place while the two hosts were talking about Hunter Biden’s recent conviction on gun charges in a federal court. Levin and Kudlow expressed their belief that the trial, which was presided over by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, appointed by Trump, was conducted in a more impartial manner.

“I hear everything you say, but you talked about the judge before; she was a Trump-appointed judge. She was the one who broke up this insane plea deal, which would have let Hunter Biden off of any of this stuff,” Kudlow said. “Comparing this judge, Trump appointed, to a sham judge in New York with the [Manhattan District Attorney Alvin] Bragg trial is like day and night, and I think you are the lawyer, not me. It shows you can have a good courtroom, you can have a good judge, you can have somebody that abides by the law. What do you think?”

“The issue is whether the judge is ideological or not,” Levin began.”In the Reagan Administration, making recommendations for judges when it comes to the trial of federal judges — this is never explained when a president has to make a deal with Democrat senators from a particular state.”

Levin proceeded to highlight that, within the Senate, where federal judge nominees undergo approval or rejection, a customary practice exists wherein senators from the state where the judge’s caseload will be situated must concur with the president’s selection. In the instance of Noreika, whose caseload is in Delaware, the consent of the state’s two Democratic senators was necessary.

“People say this is a Trump-appointed judge. Maybe it was a Trump-appointed judge, [but] two Democrat senators put holds on other district court judges that are up unless the president cuts a deal, so we did during the Reagan administration,” Levin continued. “In New York, we would want three of our guys but had to agree to one of their guys, and their guy was a Reagan-appointed judge. It doesn’t happen at the appellate level or the Supreme Court level. Trump appointed a judge; she’s playing by the book. But this is a serious federal judge running a trial, not interrupting witnesses, not playing games. She wants the testimony to get out, witnesses to events that took place. This was played by the book.”


Just In: Hunter Juror Reveals EXACTLY What Led To His Conviction

One of the twelve jurors who participated in the conviction of Hunter Biden on three felony charges related to an illegal firearm purchase has disclosed the factors that influenced their collective decision. As per the juror and fellow panel members, a crucial element in securing the conviction was a series of incriminating text messages exchanged between Hunter Biden and his sister-in-law.

The juror, who shared their insights with the New York Post, emphasized the significance of the messages between Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden, who happened to be the spouse of his deceased brother, Beau Biden. These messages shed light on Hunter’s mental state and circumstances at the time of the gun acquisition.

“[The text messages showed], in my opinion, he was training to get drugs,” said a juror.

During the trial, Hallie Biden was provided with a text message dated October 13, 2018, which occurred a day after Hunter Biden acquired the firearm. The content of the text suggested that Hunter was situated inside a vehicle, patiently awaiting the arrival of a crack dealer named Mookie. Hallie’s testimony affirmed her belief that Hunter intended to purchase crack cocaine. Furthermore, a text message received from Hunter the subsequent day revealed his admission of smoking crack and spending the night sleeping in a car.

Hunter Biden “looks kind of defeated. He looks kind of helpless to me,” the juror said. “I think he just needs to get away somewhere and get some real rehab if he hasn’t. Hopefully, he’s still not using.”

The Post stated that despite the swift verdict reached on Tuesday, the process seemed prolonged on Monday after an initial informal vote, as reported by a different juror. This juror highlighted that five members of the jury altered their opinions overnight. Additionally, The Post mentioned that the last juror initially had doubts about Hunter’s drug use during the gun transaction, but upon reevaluating the evidence, determined that he indeed was.

The juror said the group “worked together really well. I was expecting all of us to be at each other’s throats, you know, because of who his father is and how the political climate is in this country,” she said.

Juror 10 was interviewed by CNN on Tuesday following the verdict, wherein he emphasized that the deliberations did not revolve around Joe Biden or the Biden family. Instead, he highlighted that the jury’s attention was solely directed towards the evidence presented, without any consideration for Hunter Biden’s family or lifestyle.

“We didn’t use Jill. We didn’t use President Biden,” he said, adding Joe Biden’s “name was only brought up once during the trial.”

“No politics came into play, and politics was not even spoken about,” he noted further, adding he did not think that Hunter belonged in jail. The first son faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of $750,000.

“Deliberating, we were not thinking of the sentencing, and no, I really don’t think that Hunter belongs in jail,” the juror said. “If you looked at this case and you realize that when Hallie dumped that gun in a trash can, and it was retrieved, and Hunter Biden did not want to press charges because he was the victim of a theft of the firearm, he did not want to press any charges against Hallie and another thing that I also thought was they asked him, ‘did you want your gun back?’ And he said ‘no,’ he did not want that gun back.”

“When he said he did not want that gun back. And that gun sat in evidence for almost five years, I think that may have been what led to his downfall,” the juror continued. “Had he taken possession of that gun, I don’t know if we would even had the trial because he may have sold the gun, got rid of the gun, sold it back to a gun shop, or whatever,” he continued. “And it wasn’t like it was sitting in evidence … I believe that means it was sitting in evidence and somebody got a hold of that and say, ‘hey, let’s check this out a little bit more. And see exactly how he obtained that gun.”