Nikki Haley’s Secret Biden Connection Exposed

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Nikki Haley is on a perilous path as she ventures into New Hampshire, where polls indicate she will face another resounding defeat at the hands of former President Donald Trump.

As the election approaches on Tuesday in the Granite State, it has come to light that the individual leading her New Hampshire campaign was previously a lobbyist for a secretive organization backing Democrats, which played a role in aiding President Joe Biden during the 2020 election, according to The Washington Examiner.

“Tyler Clark, who became Haley’s 2024 state director for the Granite State late last year, is listed on lobbying disclosures filed in New Hampshire as working in 2020 on behalf of Sixteen Thirty Fund, a nonprofit group managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest liberal dark money network in the United States. Sixteen Thirty Fund, which is being investigated by the Washington, D.C., attorney general’s office over financial mismanagement allegations along with the broader Arabella network, doled out more than $410 million in 2020 to boost Democrats and help unseat former President Donald Trump, all thanks to billionaire donors such as George Soros,” The Examiner said.

“The top Haley campaign staffer’s ties to Sixteen Thirty Fund could become a major liability for the ex-U.N. ambassador, who, along with Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), will compete Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary. Clark, the former New Hampshire state director for Trust in the Mission, a super PAC allied with failed GOP White House hopeful Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), also lobbied as recently as last year for New Hampshire’s chapters for the American Civil Liberties Union and American Federation of Teachers, two groups conservatives often criticize for purportedly operating as arms of the Democratic Party, according to lobbying disclosures,” it said.

According to the latest polls, Trump is leading by a significant margin against both Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis himself has expressed his belief that Trump will have a decisive victory in the New Hampshire primary.

“I do think Haley has spent a massive amount of money here. She’s trying to appeal to liberal voters who are allowed to vote in this primary,” DeSantis told host Neil Cavuto on Fox News.

“I think that she’s performed better in polls than she would if it was just a normal Republican primary. So I do think they’re seeing that…I think a lot of it’s a factor of her dumping so much money into the state. I think an unprecedented amount of money,” he said.

“But I think her problem is Trump will run away with it in New Hampshire. I think that’s pretty clear at this point. He’s got the momentum from Iowa. And I don’t think anyone thinks that she can beat Trump in her home state of South Carolina,” DeSantis added.

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