Shock Video: Violent Protests Rage Outside U.S. Embassy

(TStarnes) – Violent protests have erupted outside the U.S. embassy in Beirut and there have been reports of other mobs gathering outside American embassies in Iraq and Yemen.

The State Dept. warned Americans not to travel to Beiruit.

“The Lebanese government cannot guarantee the protection of U.S. citizens against sudden outbreaks of violence,” the advisory states. “Family, neighborhood, or sectarian disputes can escalate quickly and can lead to gunfire or other violence with no warning. Armed clashes have occurred along the borders, in Beirut, and in refugee settlements.”

The protests were the result of a hospital that was allegedly targeted by rocket fire Tuesday night.

Iran’s foreign minister said more than 1,000 people were killed in the blast.

“After the terrible crime of the Zionist regime in the bombing and massacre of more than 1,000 innocent women and children in the hospital, the time has come for the global unity of humanity against this fake regime more hated than ISIS and its killing machine,” Hossein Amir-Abdallohian tweeted.

However, video filmed at sunrise shows the rockets hit the parking lot of the hospital. The buildings were not destroyed.

And Israel has irrefutable proof that the rockets were fired from Gaza by Islamic Jihad.

President Biden said he is convinced the evidence provided by Israel is authentic.

“I was outraged by the bombing of the hospital yesterday. Based on what I’ve seen, it was done by the other team. Not you,” Biden said to Netanyahu. “But there’s a lot of people out there who are not sure.”

Breaking: Dems PANICS As The Truth Finally Comes Out

(SNews) – A bombshell new study has found that murder rates are a staggering 60 percent higher in Democrat-run counties in comparison to those led by Republicans.

The study, conducted by the Heritage Foundation, debunked the popular talking point among several high-profile liberals that red states have the highest homicide numbers.

According to a report on the study, authored by the Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Dayaratna, murder rates have been higher in “blue counties” than they have been in “red counties” since 2002.

Dayaratna explains that using state-level data for homicides is misleading because the crimes are prosecuted at the local level.

California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom has publicly stated that “8 of the top 10 murder states are red.”

Meanwhile, leftist billionaire and Democrat megadonor Soros wrote in the Wall Street Journal last year that “violent crime in recent years has generally been increasing more quickly in jurisdictions without reform-minded prosecutors.”

“Murder rates have been rising fastest in some Republican states led by tough-on-crime politicians,” Soros claims.

However, according to Dayaratna, who authored the report along with former research assistant Alexander Gage, studies cited by Democrats make that same argument about state-level murder rates.

These studies, including a recent study from Third Way titled “The Two-Decade Red State Murder Problem,” use a “flawed” methodology, the report notes.

The methodology is flawed because crime is a local issue and, therefore, crime analysis must be undertaken at the local level.

“It is true that red states have higher homicide rates than blue states, but the problem with this is that crime is a hyper-localized phenomenon,” Dayaratna told Fox News.

“It doesn’t make sense to talk about at the state level.

“It makes sense to talk about at the local level because that’s where the prosecutions occur.

“The local level crime is handled at the local level by local police, so when you look at this question on a local basis, namely the county level, you’ll see that the trend is reversed.

“If you look at the analysis on a state-by-state level, it’s 34% higher in red states and blue states, according to the most recent data we analyzed, but then when you look at it as a county-by-county level, it is 60% higher in blue counties than red counties.“

The report notes that “drawing conclusions from state-level homicide data in such a manner is flawed, as each state consists of a combination of federal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as prosecutors with different approaches to law enforcement often based on highly divergent political beliefs.”

“Violations of state law are prosecuted largely at the county or city level and, thus, amalgamating data across such units neglects important variation in these different approaches,” the report continues.

“Looking at homicide rates by county, states show skewed distributions with many counties having little or no homicides and a handful of counties with excessively high homicide rates.

“Thus, state homicide rates can be heavily influenced by a few counties.

“When those counties have different politics from the rest of the state, it can flip the conclusion about the association between political identifications and homicides.”

Dayaratna also told Fox News that Third Way’s conclusion that homicide rates are higher in red states is flawed because it did not update the changes in red states and blue states, in terms of how they shifted in presidential elections over the past 20 years, when compiling the data.

“Third Way held ‘red’ states and ‘blue’ states constant in terms of how they voted in the 2020 presidential election,” the report states.

“This approach is fundamentally flawed because electoral sentiment changed across the time period used for the study.

“For example, although President Biden won Arizona in 2020, the previous Democrat who won the state was Bill Clinton in 1996.

“Similarly, Donald Trump won Florida in both 2016 and 2020, despite the fact that Barack Obama had won the state in 2008 and 2012.”

Dayaratna said that between 2002 and 2008, there was an 88% higher rate of homicide in blue counties than in red counties.

Between 2014 and 2022 there was a 62% increase.

“It is undoubtable that this blue county murder problem has been persisting for quite some time,” Dayaratna told Fox News.

“And it is quite disingenuous for the Third Way to just present the data as they did. We analyze it from a variety of perspectives at the Heritage Foundation.

“And we wanted to make sure we put out the proper story.”

Last year, Dayaratna partnered with fellow Heritage scholars Cully Stimson and Zack Smith and released a study showing that of the 30 American cities with the highest murder rates, 27 have Democratic mayors, and at least 14 Soros-backed prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Third Way stated that “data is missing or suppressed for many suburban and rural counties, making a complete county-level analysis impossible.

“But to test a prevalent narrative, we removed the county containing the largest city from only the red states and we found that even after removing the murders from the biggest cities in red states, red state murder rates were still significantly higher than in blue states, which were given no similar advantage.”

In response to not updating the electoral map, the spokesperson said they “chose an approach that categorized states consistently across all 21 years” and that “including electoral changes would only increase red state murder rates.”

Red Alert: Global Elites Move To Enforce New “Carbon Passports”

(SNews) – A new push is emerging from the World Economic Forum (WEF) that seeks to fight “global warming” by placing travel restrictions on the public.

Climate alarmists are pushing a new technology in the form of digital “carbon passports.”

Much like the digital IDs pushed by unelected globalist organizations such as the WEF, “carbon passports” will track individuals’ movements and use the information to set limits on their travel.

The new technology was revealed in a recently published report from Intrepid Travel and the WEF’s Future Laboratory.

Irakli Kashibadze, the CEO and founder of Future Laboratory, is listed as one of the architects of the WEF’s agenda.

Dubbing these restrictions as “personal carbon allowances,” the report portends they would serve as determinants compelling individuals to conform to the “global carbon budget.”

With imposed limitations on yearly travel anticipated by as soon as 2040, travelers might be forced to relinquish the horizon-expansion privileges, usually afforded by contemporary tourism.

The report highlights the alleged repercussions of “climate change” on popular summer destinations like Greece and Majorca.

These nations are now supposedly deemed too hot for humans due to so-called “global boiling.”

The introduction of carbon passports could raise serious privacy concerns about the level of surveillance exercised over individuals’ movements and behavior.

Meanwhile, another technology pushed by the WEF will be rolled out nationally in Austria this year.

The Austrian government will be mandating digital IDs for all citizens in December.

By December 5, all Austrians will be expected to be enrolled in a new national digital ID system called ID Austria.

The scheme claims to be secure and seamless access to various government services.

The new system will supersede the Handy-Signatur, the digital ID platform currently in use by Austrians.

It effectively pushes about 2.8 million people to adjust to ID Austria.

According to The Local, the government is forcing everyone to comply with ID Austria as citizens will otherwise be barred from a wide range of essential government services.

The government is pushing everyone aged 14 and over to enroll in the system.

The transition, spearheaded by the Federal Ministries of Finance and Interior, is aimed at providing users with highly secure access to an array of government and commercial services.

The ID Austria is also promised to be usable throughout the European Union (EU) soon.

The ties to the EU suggest the far-reaching blueprint could be replicated elsewhere after a successful rollout in Austria.

The WEF frequently touts the “benefits” of being able to control the public through mandatory digital IDs.

These measures will undoubtedly act as precursors to overreaching surveillance and the tracking of individuals’ carbon footprints.

As governments and corporations scramble to tackle “climate” issues, the thin line between necessary action and privacy invasion continues to blur dangerously.

These policies disguise themselves as a necessary evil for “the greater good.”

However, they will surely impact individual liberty and confidentiality.

It’s crucial to ensure global responses don’t sideline privacy rights and morph into invasive practices at their core.

The rush for digitalization should never come at the expense of individuals’ rights to their personal freedom.

just In: Soros-Funded Prosecutor Carjacked In Own Liberal City

(SNews) – A George Soros-funded prosecutor has been carjacked at gunpoint in his own Democrat-controlled city of New Orleans.

According to the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), the city’s Democrat District Attorney Jason Williams was robbed on Monday.

Williams was walking his 78-year-old mother to his car when two suspects approached the pair.

They pointed a gun at them and demanded the prosecutor’s car, according to WVUE.

The suspects then jumped into the car and drove off.

They later abandoned the vehicle in an undisclosed location.

The NOPD confirmed that the criminals continued their crime spree by carjacking a young woman in the area 30 minutes later.

Keith Lampkin, spokesperson for the DA’s office, told WVUE:

“DA Williams and his mother were unharmed and both thank the NOPD for their hard work tonight and every night responding to crime victims.”

The DA was elected in 2020 after Soros donated $220,000 to sway the election in his favor, according to the Capital Research Center.

Soros pumped cash into the Louisiana Justice and Public Safety PAC to run campaigns against Williams’ opponent.

Williams campaigned on a platform of “woke” social justice reform, promising to find “alternatives to incarceration” for some criminals.

He also pledged to reform the “ineffective and unfair money bail system,” according to his campaign website.

Williams also attacked President Donald Trump during his campaign in 2020.

“This president and this current DA may try to deflect from the true issues of racism in this nation and in our legal system by instead choosing to villainize Americans arguing that black lives must matter too, but we must root out all vestiges of white supremacy in our systems and institutions,” Williams wrote on his campaign website in 2020.

“The culture of the Orleans Parish DA’s Office must change so that we can achieve real justice for victims and others caught up in the criminal justice system.”

Williams declined to prosecute 65% of all criminal cases in New Orleans in 2021.

However, he slowly began to prosecute more cases as crime in the city rose, according to data from the New Orleans government’s office.

The DA still continues to prosecute, on average, only 44% of the criminals who have been charged by police.

In 2022, New Orleans was named the “murder capital of the United States.”

Violent crime was the leading cause of death for children in the city that same year.

Auto thefts in the city have increased 104% since 2022, and total crime has increased 8% since the start of the year, police data showed.

Shock: School Teacher PUNISHED Over Prayer Cards in Classroom

(TStarnes) – A Mississippi middle school teacher was punished after she placed prayer cards underneath all of the desks in her classroom.

The unidentified teacher at East Central Middle School came under fire after a local resident alerted the Freedom From Religion Foundation. I warned folks about this radical group in my book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.” Click here to read my book.

The Wisconsin-based atheist group is known for targeting Christians — especially on public school campuses.

They accused the teacher of writing personal prayers on the cards and placing them underneath the desks during the first week of school.

“When teachers use their position to push their personal religious beliefs and encourage prayer, it communicates to students and parents that they are outsiders — not full members of the political community — if they do not follow the same religious belief. Additionally, the district has an obligation to ensure that teachers are not using their positions to promote their religious beliefs,” the atheists raged.

So here’s how the out-of-town atheists found out about it:

A grandmother had written a post on social media encouraging her friends to pray for students in public school. She suggested they put prayer cards in their book bags before they go to school.

She said the inspiration for her idea came from the teacher.

“She’s been placing prayer cards under each of her students’ desk,” the grandmother wrote. “I’ve had the privilege of driving my grands to school every morning and being able to pray over them and their future spouses.”

The FFRF accused the teacher of breaking the law and attempting to proselytize her students, both of which are simply not true.

The Dept. of Education clearly states that teachers do not have to leave their religious beliefs at the schoolhouse door.

“In order to respect the First Amendment rights of students, we ask that the district investigate this situation and ensure that [the teacher], and all other teachers, refrain from using their positions to proselytize or encourage prayer going forward,” wrote FFRF attorney Anne Nicol Gaylor.

Supt. David Pickett took immediate action and told the atheists that the Christian teacher would be punished.

“Upon confirmation that the conduct had occurred, the teacher in question was officially reprimanded on September 13, 2023, by the principal of East Central Middle School,” Pickett wrote. “Among other things, the letter of reprimand stressed the seriousness of the teacher’s misconduct and expressly stated that teachers are prohibited from using their positions to promote personal religious beliefs. The letter also stated any expressions of religious viewpoints in the classroom and like settings is considered a constitutional violation and must cease immediately.”

We live in a day and age when teachers have turned their classrooms into gay night clubs, but the teacher who prays for her students is treated like a criminal.

Alert: Pelosi Caught Secretly Stil Controlling Democrat Party

(SNews) – Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz has alleged that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is still leading the Democrats from the shadows, with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) serving as “just a frontman.”

During an appearance on Newsmax, Gaetz said Pelosi “still rules with an iron fist.”

Gaetz made the comment while explaining the battle among Republicans for the speakership vote.

The congressman told Newsmax’s “Sunday Agenda” that Republicans have had more public infighting than the Democrats.

His recent motion to vacate led to the historic ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Gaetz said it is Pelosi’s control of House Democrats which allows them to stay in lockstep.

“By the way, she’s still the one in charge of that conference,” Gaetz continued

“I mean, Hakeem Jeffries is the frontman, but the person who’s really calling the shots among the Democrats is Nancy Pelosi.”


Pelosi served multiple stints as House speaker beginning in 2007.

She stepped down as speaker after the Democrats lost their House majority in 2022.

At this point, McCarthy began his ill-fated tenure.

After Pelosi stepped down, Jeffries took the lead of House Democrats as minority leader in the next session of Congress.

In the same interview, Gaetz speculated that establishment Republicans may be trying to reinstall McCarthy in the speakership.

He alleged that the vote on Republican Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was delayed to Tuesday in order for moderate Republicans to reinsert McCarthy.

Gaetz supports Jordan in his bid for the House speakership.

“We should not go backward with Kevin McCarthy,” Gaetz said.

“We should go forward with Jim Jordan.”

As Slay News reported earlier, McCarthy has also stated that he is confident Jordan will become the next speaker.

Breaking: Bombshell Report Confirms Fauci As Total Fraud

(SNews) – Restricting public freedoms and forcing unpopular mandates onto populations around the world during the Covid pandemic were a failure and were based on “weak evidence,” an official government report has revealed.

The UK’s Health Security Agency (HSA) recently published a report detailing the results of a lengthy examination into the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in preventing or slowing Covid infections in the country.

The UK, like many other Western nations, imposed lockdowns, travel restrictions, mask mandates, and social distancing during the pandemic.

The goal of the UK’s HSA was to use primary studies on NPIs within the community to see how successful or unsuccessful they were at reducing the spread of the virus.

“The purpose of this rapid mapping review was to identify and categorize primary studies that reported on the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented in community settings to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK,” the report notes.

“Streamlined systematic methods were used, including literature searches (using sources such as Medline, Embase, and medRxiv) and use of systematic reviews as sources to identify relevant primary studies.”

They found that the justifications for Covid interventions were based on exceptionally weak evidence.

In fact, roughly 67 percent of the identified evidence was based on modeling and was determined to be essentially useless.

“Two-thirds of the evidence identified was based on modeling studies (100 out of 151 studies),” the report explains.

“There was a lack of experimental studies (2 out of 151 studies) and individual-level observational studies (22 out of 151 studies).

“Apart from test and release strategies for which 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified, the body of evidence available on the effectiveness of NPIs in the UK provides weak evidence in terms of study design, as it is mainly based on modeling studies, ecological studies, mixed-methods studies, and qualitative studies.

“This is a key learning point for future pandemic preparedness: there is a need to strengthen the evaluation of interventions and build this into the design and implementation of public health interventions and government policies from the start of any future pandemic or other public health emergency.”

Modeling, as we know, is functionally useless.

It is incredibly prone to bias, incorrect assumptions, and the ideological needs of its creators.

Typically, modeling is considered too weak to rely on for major decision-making purposes without other definitive supporting evidence.

Nevertheless, that’s exactly what the United States, the UK, and many other countries did.

Government health agencies, world leaders, and top “experts” embraced modeling as fact at the beginning of the pandemic.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others, repeatedly referenced unreliable, poor-quality “evidence” throughout the panemic because it confirmed their biases.

This government report concurs, simply stating:

“There is a lack of strong evidence on the effectiveness of NPIs to reduce COVID-19 transmission, and for many NPIs, the scientific consensus shifted over the course of the pandemic.”

As we know, the scientific consensus shifted over the course of the pandemic because it became politically expedient for it to shift.

As the HSA report highlights, there was little solid, high-quality data showing that NPIs were having a significant impact on the spread of the virus.

Yet, this reality has been predicted by decades of pandemic planning.

However, the consensus shifted toward NPIs and away from something approaching Sweden’s strategy or the Great Barrington Declaration, simply because Fauci, the CDC, and other “experts” demanded it shift to suit their ideological aims.

The few high-quality studies on NPIs such as masking were conducted during the pandemic.

These studies showed that there was no benefit from mask-wearing at an individual or population level.

Instead of admitting to the public that they were relying on weak evidence, the “experts” insisted that their interventions were based on following “The Science.”

At every turn, when criticized or questioned, they would default back to an appeal to authority by arguing that the consensus in the scientific community unequivocally believed that the evidence showed that lockdowns, mandates, travel restrictions, and other NPIs were based on the best available information.

In the early days of the pandemic, most Western nations abandoned decades of planning out of fear, while claiming publicly to be “following the science.”

Sweden, meanwhile, was the exception.

The Swedish government incorporated a more hands-off approach that relied on protecting the elderly while allowing immunity to build up amongst the younger, healthy populations.

The people of Sweden were not locked in their homes, blocked from traveling or forced to wear masks or take vaccines.

Businesses and schools remained open and Swedes were urged to make their own decisions about their personal health and protections.

According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), “the available data on excess all-cause mortality rates indicate that Sweden experienced fewer deaths per population unit during the pandemic (2020–2022) than most high-income countries and was comparable to neighboring Nordic countries through the pandemic.”

Instead of following Sweden’s example, Western leaders abandoned the evidence in favor of politics.

And now, a systemic, detailed review of the evidence base relied on by those same experts has now concluded that there never was any high-quality information suggesting that pandemic policies were justifiable.

The mandates were forced onto the taxpaying public based on wishful thinking from unelected bureaucratic “health experts.”

Just In: ‘Squad’ Democrat Caught Funneling Thousands in Campaign Cash to Husband

(SNews) – Radical “Squad” Democrat Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has been funneling thousands of dollars in shady campaign cash payments to her husband for a mystery role.

Bush, a former Black Lives Matter leader, funnels the money to her spouse, Cortney Merritts, in large payments marked as “wage expenses.”

The congresswoman has continued pumping campaign cash to her husband despite a previous backlash over the scheme.

As Slay News previously reported, Bush, a far-left anti-police Democrat, secretly married Merritts after it emerged that she had shoveled a staggering $627,088 of her campaign funds to him for “private security.”

The move ignited allegations of corruption after the payments were made just months after Bush had led efforts to slash police budgets across the country in 2020, a campaign that she is still pushing.

However, she has now altered the description of the payments amid scrutiny over previous payments.

According to new filings, Bush has sent over $100,000 to Merritts, who served as her head of security, for payments the congresswoman’s committee describes as “wage expenses.”

Merritts previously gathered money for security services, but the committee switched the characterization of the large payments in April as they continued to bring headaches for the campaign.

The “Squad” member has claimed that she requires additional protection due to previous attempts on her life after she demanded nationwide cuts to police budgets amid the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.

She has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to security firms on top of the earlier payments to her husband.

According to her filings, her campaign began paying a new security firm in the third quarter.

The committee sent $5,000 to a St. Louis-based company called All American Protective Consultants, which was established in March, business records show.

The firm is registered under a company called 720 Firm, which launched late last year.

After Bush and Merritts secretly married in February, her office announced they had been together more than a year before her campaign began paying him in early 2022.

Her campaign regularly sent Merritts bimonthly $2,500 checks while disbursing hundreds of thousands to other protection firms, primarily PEACE Security.

Merritts, meanwhile, did not have a private security license as of late February, Fox News reported.

He also did not appear in a Washington, D.C., database of licensed security specialists.

The payments have subsequently triggered at least two FEC complaints from watchdog groups.

The campaign also paid anti-Semitic “spiritual guru” Nathaniel Davis, who has claimed he’s 109 trillion years old and can summon tornadoes, tens of thousands of dollars for “security services.”

Even before adding Merritts to her payroll, Bush faced criticism for using private security.

In July 2021, it emerged that Bush was paying out staggering sums of cash for security while still pushing to defund police.

The situation prompted CBS News to grill Bush about the cash and whether hiring a security detail while pushing to strip money from law enforcement was hypocritical.

“They would rather I die?” Bush asked.

“You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see?

“You want to see me die?

“You know, because that could be the alternative.”

The radical lawmaker said she would ensure she has security because she has had attempts on her life and has “too much work to do.”

“So suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen,” she added.

Local St. Louis’ KMOV4 later found that Bush had hired two sheriff’s deputies as part of her security detail.

The discovery of their unapproved side gig led to their termination.

OUTRAGE: Facebook ‘Fact-Checker’ Suggests Israelis Were Unharmed During Terror Attack

(SNews) – One of Facebook’s corporate media “fact checkers” has falsely suggested that no Israeli civilians were harmed when Hamas launched a terror attack at a music festival earlier this month.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists used paragliders to fly into a music festival in Israel, slaughtering hundreds of innocent concertgoers, mostly young people and families.

The terrorist also raped, injured, and kidnapped many more, as Slay News reported.

Eyewitnesses recalled horrific scenes of terrorists murdering innocent people as they ran for their lives, in some cases, pulling them from their vehicles as they fled and shooting them at point-blank range.

The festival, which was held to promote peace, was in the desert near Kibbutz Re’im, close to the Gaza Strip.

However, a Facebook “fact-check” by corporate media outlet Reuters of an online video suggests Israeli concertgoers were unharmed by Hamas’s terrorist attack.

Reuters’ “fact-check” is even prompting Hamas sympathizers to argue that the attack didn’t happen at all.

Reuters fact-checked an online video taken from an Israeli concert but not the music festival Hamas infiltrated last weekend.

The outlet used the video to debunk the claim that Israelis were “running for their lives.”

The video Reuters used for the “fact-check” was filmed on October 4 at a different concert and didn’t show people running for their lives.

It simply shows people running through the gates of a concert.

However, Reuters makes no mention of the fact that hundreds of Israelis were actually slaughtered at a concert three days later, suggesting to some that the attacks never even happened.

The social media giant’s parent company Meta employs Reuters as a “fact-checking partner” in six countries, including the United States and Israel, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Inside Meta, Israeli employees have voiced alarm that one of the company’s major partners is whitewashing terror and spreading confusion about the facts on the ground.

“We saw today a massive campaign on our platform denying what has happened in Israel this week and saying Israel faked it,” one Israeli employee wrote in an internal email reviewed by the Free Beacon.

They argue that the tendentious “fact-checks” are “putting not only our reputation globally and in Israel at major risk but it also puts our employees at risk as they are being blamed for this and harassed by people online and on the street.”

The Reuters fact check examines an October 7 tweet that purports to show Israelis “running for their lives” after Hamas terrorists infiltrated a music festival in southern Israel.

But the video actually shows concertgoers running through the entrance of an October 4 concert in Tel Aviv.

However, the Reuters video does not include footage from the actual Supernova Music Festival in southern Israel, where hundreds of Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.

In fact, it only vaguely mentions the “desert attack.”

Facebook reached an agreement with Reuters in 2020 to “fact-check content posted on the social media platform and its photo-sharing app Instagram.”

The company went on to rebrand as Meta, the social media conglomerate that also owns and operates Instagram and WhatsApp.

In response to Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel, which killed at least 1,300 people, Meta expanded its violence and incitement policy to remove “disturbing” content showing Israeli hostages taken by Hamas, “even if it is being done to condemn or raise awareness of their situation,” Reuters reported.

Reuters itself has downplayed photos of Hamas atrocities, portraying them not as evidence of the terror group’s barbarism but as examples of an “apparent effort” by Israel’s government to “stoke global anger against the Gaza militants.”

In that story—headlined, “Israel releases images of slain children to rally support after Hamas attack”—Reuters includes a quote from deputy Hamas chief Saleh Al-Arouri claiming the terror group did not plan to target Israeli civilians.

The Reuters fact check provides a window into how some media efforts to combat “misinformation” stemming from Hamas’s slaughtering of Israelis has instead inspired false claims.

One commenter used the Reuters video to argue that “no attack actually happened, Palestine will be free.”

Another thanked Reuters for “being the voice of the voiceless,” adding the hashtag, “free Palestine.”

Others cited the video as proof that Israel “doesn’t speak the truth” and is “always playing the victim card.”

“Gaza IS under attack with no food no electricity no water!!!!!” one comment reads.

“Please go through all the other debunked fake atrocity propaganda, the burning woman, the fake rapes and assault reports, and the so-called beheadings,” another says.

“It’s so important everyone understands it’s fake news!”

Had Reuters decided to include footage of the actual Hamas massacre on the Israeli music festival, it would have had plenty of harrowing clips to choose from.

In one video, Hamas terrorists are seen kidnapping a distraught Israeli woman.

In another, Hamas terrorists filmed themselves shooting into portable toilets festival attendees used to hide.

Videos from the festival also showed attendees running from Hamas terrorists.

Later, dead Israelis gunned down by the terrorists were filmed lying on the ground.

Trump Breaks Silence Over His VP Selection

(CBrief) – At this point, it seems clear that former President Donald Trump will win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination again, as most polls have him up by 40-50 points over his primary rivals. So it only makes sense that he would begin to contemplate who he is looking at to become his running mate and, potentially, the country’s next vice president.

But the likelihood that Trump would pick someone currently running against him seems remote, according to the former president himself.

During a recent speech in Michigan, Trump referred to the GOP candidates as “all job candidates.”

“They’ll do anything: secretary of something, they even say VP. Has anyone seen a VP in that group? I don’t think so,” Trump told the rally crowd gathered at an auto parts plant in Clinton Township.

Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, told The Washington Post in an email after the event that Trump “was very clear in his remarks” but did not directly address whether the former president is excluding all current GOP presidential candidates from the debate.

That said, Trump did drop a big hint about a potential running mate not currently running against him: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

“I think she’s fantastic,” he said ahead of a late summer rally held in her state. “She’s been a great governor. She gave me a very full-throated endorsement, a beautiful endorsement. It’s been a very good state for me, and certainly, she would be one of the people I would consider for something else, maybe. We have a lot of great people in the Republican Party.”

Trump also addressed earlier reports that he was strongly leaning towards a female running mate, but did not commit to picking a woman.

“You always do a little bit, but I don’t think it’s time,” Trump said. “I want to win, and, you know, it’s very interesting about running mates, when you get down to a vice president, they said, ‘Nobody has ever made that kind of a difference.’ It’s still about the person that’s going to be president.”

Another woman whose name has been mentioned quite a bit as a Trump running mate is former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, but her name has since been taken out of the running after she announced instead she would be running for Independent Sen. Krysten Sinema’s seat next year.

And Lake appears to have moved on from her campaign to overturn the results of the 2022 gubernatorial election, which saw her narrowly lose to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

To the bitter end, she claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr. Trump, who urged other Republicans to follow her lead. … Hence the new Kari Lake, who is focusing on the issues, including the border crisis and rising prices.

“There is not a gas pump out there for Republicans, and one for Democrats, right?” she said during her announcement speech. “There’s not an inflation rate for Republicans, and then a separate one for Democrats. All Arizonans are feeling the stress of Biden’s reckless spending.”

That’s not to say she didn’t address voting integrity, though what she did say could also have been said by any Republican.

“I am never going to walk away from the fight to restore honest elections,” she told supporters, the WSJ reported. “I’m never going to stop until every voter feels confident that their one legal vote counts.”

The outlet noted further that the Senate race will be tough:

The Arizona Senate race is difficult to handicap, since it’s likely to be a three-way contest. The incumbent, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, left the Democrats to become an independent. She’s being attacked from the left by Rep. Ruben Gallego, the probable Democratic nominee.