Breaking: Congress Launches Trojan Horse For Illegals

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Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is expediting the passage of a tax bill that was recently introduced, despite facing significant opposition from both conservative and centrist factions within the Republican Party.

Conservatives have expressed their concerns about certain provisions in the bill that they perceive as providing benefits to undocumented immigrants. Specifically, they are opposed to the expansion of the Child Tax Credit without a requirement for the parent to possess a Social Security number. They argue that this expansion could act as a strong incentive for further migration, especially considering the current surge in migrant encounters at the border under President Joe Biden.

This debate over the tax credit coincides with ongoing negotiations in the Senate regarding border security and foreign aid. In this particular discussion, conservatives have accused Democrats of prioritizing policies that focus on processing migrants more quickly, as well as providing shelter and support for those already present in the country. They believe that these actions are aimed at downplaying the severity of the border crisis and showcasing action, even if it goes against the best interests of the American people, particularly in an election year.

Johnson has indicated his intention to bring the bill to a vote later in the evening, utilizing a procedure known as “suspension of the rules.” This procedure requires a two-thirds majority for passage and is typically used for non-controversial or less prominent matters, such as renaming post offices.

However, Johnson’s approach to suspension votes seems to be changing, potentially bypassing opposition within his own party. Just a few weeks ago, he employed the same tactic to advance another significant piece of legislation – a continuing resolution that extended government funding levels and priorities established in December 2022 by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) during a lame duck Congress.

While that bill received overwhelming support from Democrats, Johnson managed to secure majority Republican support by a narrow margin of one vote, with 107 in favor and 106 against.

Even though his own party is opposing it, Johnson has tried to insist that the bill is “important bipartisan legislation to revive conservative pro-growth tax reform.”

Despite this, Republicans have called out the bill for what it really is. A former budget staffer to Johnsonhas come out saying that its “a Trojan horse to expand welfare programs, including those that go to illegal aliens.”

Republicans who are against the proposed legislation are raising concerns about Johnson’s decision to prioritize a bill that contains unfavorable policies, which lack support from conservatives. They argue that this move would only serve to give the unpopular Biden an unusual victory during an election year.

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